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Useful Tipps for your Website, SEO, brandig & other resources for your business
Websites • SEO • Branding • auf Deutsch
These things are more important for your website than how it looks
Of course, you want a website that is on brand, matches your aesthetic and completely captures the vibe of your offerings - a website that really represents your business.
However, there are a few things that are far more important than the look of your website, for it to be able to serve your buisess the best. Your people have to be able to find it and be able to interact with it easily.
The most important things to consider before embarking on your website creation are:
SEO TLC, an easy step that an help you show up in Google
SEO TLC, an easy step that can help you show up in Google!
Easy to implement, and nothing but helpful for your ranking
What you can expect from working with NathMakesThings
Hiya, I’m Nath - the maker of all things here at NathMakesThings. I am slightly obsessed with creating brand and online solutions grounded in puropouse. I’m tuning my 12+ years of experience working with a sleuth of international clients across 3 continents in various industries into strategic, engaging and long-lived end products.
3 steps to get your website to show up in Google & other search engines
How do I show up in Google?This is the million dollar question in the website game, so let’s break it down!
1 - create a google business profile, this is a free SEO boost!
The 6 most important things I've learned that have a big impact on the success of a website
I've created my fair share of websites the past 12 or so years, and have learned tons along the way. Some things I learned the hard (and uncomfortable) way! Here are a few very important things I've learned that (can) have a big impact on the success of a website:
Keep your content relevant for better SEO
This is probably no surprise to anyone, and it is one of the most important things for your SEO.
Relevant content that is easy to find = happy search engines, and you want to be the one delivering!
Let your website support your business
A well-considered, strategic website can significantly reduce your workload by automating various tasks, improve your online presence, and helping you connect more effectively with your customers. Imagine this:
Free inspiring wallpapers for your desktop and mobile
An inspiring desktop and mobile wallpaper to download for free
Why I’m so passionate about supporting businesses & entrepreneurs within the health, wellness & lifestyle space
Why am I so passionate about working with ppl within the health, wellness and lifestyle space? Im glad you asked!
Does switching hosting or changing the design of my website impact my ranking & SEO?
When you change the design or layout of your website - every time you do this, so this also applies when you make edits to text and change images; Google will re-evaluate your page, have a crawl.
Warum es sich lohnt, in professionelles Branding zu investieren
Unter Branding oder CI/Markenidentität versteht man das Etablieren einer Marke. Offline sowie Online. Branding ist also nichts, was einfach nur schön aussieht oder einfach so passiert. Es ist ein durchdachter und geplanter Prozess. Bestimmte Botschaften, Zeichen und Werte werden mit einer selbstständigen Person, einem Unternehmen, Produkten, Dienstleistungen etc. in Verbindung gebracht. Je emotionaler und positiver ein Bezug zu einer Brand aufgebaut wird, desto eher werden potentielle Kunden auch zu zahlenden Kunden.
How to grow your clientele, as a therapist, health or wellness provider
1. Get clear on who you are serving! Your potential clients are looking for a connection, with somebody who understands their unique needs/struggles
Was braucht eine Website, um nicht nur schön auszusehen, sondern auch deine Dienste zu verkaufen?
Was braucht eine Website, um nicht nur schön auszusehen, sondern auch deine Dienste zu verkaufen?
Your business needs a website! Here’s why
Having an online presence is essential to generate interest and attract new customers!
SEO-Tipp, den du heute noch umsetzen kannst
SEO-Tipp, den du heute noch umsetzen kannst (und den überraschend viele Leute vergessen oder nicht kennen):
Steps to take after you’re website goes live for visibility
Set up a profile on Google Business with all the information on where to fins you and what you offer. Add your logo and some images. This is what makes you appear on Google maps as a business, and you'll be able to get reviews too
Fragen, die deine Website beantworten sollte
Deine Homepage ist die Seite, auf der deine Kunden höchstwahrscheinlich die meiste Zeit verbringen werden - wenn sie gut aussieht und die Funktionalität erstklassig ist. Dazu gibt so viele Dinge zu beachten - hier sind ein paar Tipps:
Tipps, wie du online deinen Kundenkreis erweitern kannst
Deine Website ist eine Erweiterung deines Unternehmens. Deshalb ist es so wichtig, eine strategisch aufgebaute Website zu haben, die nicht nur authentisch kommuniziert, wer du bist, sondern auch dazu führt, dass Kunden bei dir buchen.
Give your website some summer lovin with these simple updates
Easy peasy website updates to try today
Website in a day - picking your style
With Website in a day, choosing your visual elements is not only fun & quick but also super easy.